Consultation Process
1. Discussion
Your consultant will begin by asking you questions regarding your current vein problems and why you’ve decided to seek treatment. If you’ve already had treatment to your thread veins; it is useful to understand what treatment you underwent and how successful it was. A full past medical history will be taken.
2. Scan
A colour duplex ultrasound scan on your legs (from your feet up to your groin) will be performed. This scan will rule out whether there is an underlying cause for your thread veins before commencing any treatment. The scan is performed with you standing on a stool; it is akin to a baby scan but on your legs.
If the scan does reveal an underlying cause for the thread veins, we strongly advise we treat it first. Why? Because management of any sort of venous problem which neglects to detect and treat the underlying problem will fail. There may be short term success, but the veins are highly likely to recur.
A simple analogy we use to explain the importance of needing to treat the underlying cause first is … if you have a leaky pipe: you can mop up the water on the floor, but if you don’t fix the pipe, the water will continue to come back again and again.
Note: If you only have thread veins, it is rare that you have an underlying cause.
3. Tailored Treatment Plan
Firstly, the scan results will be explained to you. The consultant will then advise what treatment will achieve the best results – including the benefits and the risks. For thread veins, the most likely treatment option is Microsclerotherapy. For minor varicosities it’s Foam Sclerotherapy. It is important that any treatment plan is tailored to you and so your desired outcome and treatment preferences will be taken into consideration.
4. Cost
Our treatment prices for thread veins are fixed per treatment session. Our clinical team will outline the costs to you at the appointment however they will not alter from our upfront costs which can be found here. Following the consultation, a clinical report will be posted to you which will also include a quote for the recommended treatment
5. Further Queries & Booking
The consultation results are valid for 6 months. If you decide to delay treatment, you will require a repeat scan prior to commencing treatment (to ensure nothing has changed since the last scan), however, this repeat scan is included in the treatment cost unless you attend over a year since your initial consultation.
If you wish to book, you can either do so with our receptionist in the clinic or over the phone with our patient advisers. Our patient advisers are on hand if you have any questions prior to or upon receiving the clinical report and treatment quote.
What is a Colour Duplex Ultrasound Scan?
A colour duplex ultrasound scan is a painless, quick and non-invasive test. It is like a baby scan (but on your legs). The scan accurately maps the anatomy (what the veins look like) and the physiology (how they are working e.g. direction of blood flow).
The scan will reveal if there is reflux (reverse blood flow) in any of the veins underlying the skin. If so, this indicates the veins contain faulty valves. When working properly the valves ensure blood flows back up the veins to the heart. If the valves are faulty, blood flows back down the leg (reflux) and this causes the venous problems and visible varicose and thread veins to appear.
Be particularly wary if you are offered treatment without first having a detailed colour duplex ultrasound scan. A simple handheld Doppler examination is not good enough.
It is important that your consultant undertakes the scan, so that they have a first-hand view of your veins (instead of interpreting another specialist’s notes). The consultant you see for consultation will also treat you; if indeed you decide to go ahead with treatment.
I’ve had treatment previously, can you still offer me treatment?
We frequently see, and successfully treat, patients who have had their veins treated previously (especially those who underwent treatment to the visible veins without having had the underlying cause of their veins fixed first).
Consultation Cost
£250 – this includes the colour duplex ultrasound scan of your legs. You will be seen by a consultant vascular specialist.

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