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Our Healthcare Regulators

We are regulated by CQC, HIS and HIW.

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In this section:

  • CQC
  • HIS
  • HIW
  • Care Quality Commission (CQC)

    All healthcare facilities are regulated by the Care Quality Commission, the CQC. Under the new CQC regulations, it is the CQC inspectors’ jobs to monitor, inspect and regulate services to ensure that they meet the fundamental standards of quality and safety.


    Veincentre’s Inspection

    The CQC visited our Head Office in February 2018 and we are absolutely delighted with their faultless report, finding all aspects of our service Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well-led.

    You can read the full report on the CQC website, but we have copied the summary from the report below.


    Overall summary

    Feedback obtained clearly demonstrated positive outcomes for patients. Patients spoke very highly of the care and treatment they had received from the clinic and told us they would highly recommend the service. They considered the clinic provided an excellent service with the care and treatment exceeding their expectations. They described staff as friendly, efficient, helpful and caring.

    Patients also told us they were given all of the information they needed to make an informed decision about their treatment options in advance of their treatment in addition to receiving detailed aftercare support and advice.

    Staff we spoke with told us they were very well supported in their work and were proud to be part of a team that provided a high quality, specialised service.

    Our key findings were:

    • Patients received detailed and clear information about their proposed treatment which enabled them to make an informed decision. This included costs, risks and benefits of treatment.
    • Patients were offered appointments at a time convenient to them and with the same clinician to ensure their continuity of care and treatment.
    • Patients’ needs were fully assessed and care and treatment were tailored to individual needs and delivered in line with current evidence-based guidance.
    • There was a transparent approach to safety with demonstrably effective systems in place for reporting and recording adverse incidents.
    • There were effective procedures in place for monitoring and managing risks to patient and staff safety. For example, there were arrangements to prevent the spread of infection.
    • Clinicians assessed patients according to appropriate guidance and standards.
    • Staff were supported with their personal development and received opportunities for supervision, training, coaching and mentoring appropriate to their role.
    • Patients told us staff were kind, caring, and competent and put them at their ease and maintained their dignity.
    • Information about services and how to complain was available and easy to understand.
    • There was a clear staffing structure and staff were aware of their own roles and responsibilities.
    • The provider was aware of, and complied with, the requirements of the Duty of Candour.

    Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS)

    The purpose of Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is to enable the people of Scotland to experience the best quality of health and social care by regularly making sure that independent healthcare services, e.g. Veincentre, are complying with necessary standard and regulations.


    Duty of Candour Policy

    Please find our Duty of Candour Policy here and our Duty of Candour Annual Report here.

    Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW)

    Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) is the independent inspectorate and regulator of healthcare in Wales. They regulate independent healthcare providers against a range of standards, policies, guidance and regulations to highlight areas requiring improvement.

    HIW inspected our Cardiff clinic in October 2024 on as part of their routine inspection. Their visit is crucial in ensuring that we continue to meet high standards of care and compliance with regulations. Please find the detailed report here, which outlines the key findings and recommendations from their visit.

    Our Infection Prevention & Control Annual Statement

    We know that infection prevention is very important and so we are sharing our statement on infection control in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

    To read Veincentre’s Infection Prevention & Control Annual Statement, please click the button below.

    Complaints Procedure

    Your satisfaction is important to us to ensure that we continue to provide the best service. If you have any concerns please click below to find out how to report these to us.

    Anti Slavery Statement

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